Inca Religion

The Inca people were a polythiestic group of people. Their religion was not written down so there aren't any writen record of their religion besides what was passed oraly from generation to generation. The Inca empire believed in Viracocha which was the god of Creation. This god is only one of the many gods they believed in. Even though Viracocha was the creation god Inti was the most important god at the time.

Inti was reffered to the "Giver of Life" because he gave the Inca people warmth and light.

Sacrafice is also a big part of the Inca religion. Animal and even human sacrifices were left for imortant events like winning a war or crowning of a new emperor. Smaller festivals were held every month. They had a great importance in what the gods wanted. They felt that they must please the gods at all times or something bad would happen to their society.